Operators Hub
Features for users
[ ] Add new user Do you need to create or invite new user? You can create new user even in LDAP or just invite user who already is registred in LDAP. |
Do you need to complete started and not yet finished enrollment on behalf of the user? |
[ ] Create emergency access code Did user lost or broke all his tokens or he can't access to mobile phone/email? Create emergency access code that allow user to log in and make all neccessary arrangements to enroll new tokens. |
Do you need to display user's answers to verification question to verify? |
Do you need to authenticate user without using his tokens? This feature allows to use email or mobile to receive the OTP. |
[ ] Unlock user Do you need to unlock the user locked in authentication systems? |
[ ] Synchronize user Do you need to synchronize user in case that his details from AD are not mirrored to ANT ID? For example after name change or change of other LDAP attributes? |
[ / ] Enable / Disable user User is disabled in LDAP in case of long inactivity or some time-off? You can enable him by this feature and vice versa. |
[ ] Un-enroll user Do you need to un-enroll user in case of any troubles with his account? After un-enroll user is going to receive the invitation email to enroll back again. |
[ ] Delete user Do you need to delete user? You can delete them only from ANT ID or even from LDAP if configured. |
Features for users's tokens
[ ] Add a new token Do you need to add new token to the user? Some token can be added without user's cooperation. |
Do you need to view detail of user's token? To display details that are not visible in the tables? |
Do you need to make some adjustments on user's tokens? Some details can be adjusted, like OTP address for SMS or email tokens. |
[ ] Test of token Do you need to test the user's token in case of some suspected misbehaviour? For example the OTP is not received or OTP from mobile applications is not validated? Do the test and check if the token is ok. |
Do you need to disable user's token? So user won't be able to use it for the log in? You can do in the feature and of course - vice versa. |
[ ] Delete token Need to remove a corrupted or compromised token? After deletion, the user can re-enroll the same type (or some types can be deleted without the user's knowledge - see Add new token). |
[ ] Reset token If the OTP from the token is not verified, there may be a problem with the internal token count being out of sync. You can use this feature to synchronize it back. |
Features for HW tokens
[ ] Unassign token HW token is broken or user is leaving position where the token is required? You can unassign the token from the user so it can be assigned to another user. |
Need to temporarily disable a token so it can't be used for login authentication? Or vice versa do you need to enable the disabled token? |
[ ] Compromise token Has the user lost the HW token or is it irreparably broken? Does the token need to be removed from the inventory so that it can never be returned to the inventory? |
[ ] Reset token If the OTP from the token is not verified, there may be a problem with the internal token count being out of sync. You can use this feature to synchronize it back. |