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HW Tokens

The HW tokens is the part of the application that exclusively serves the needs of management of HW (physical) tokens for each tenant.

Available actions for user with appropriate privileges:

Unassign token

Disable / enable token

Unassign the token from the given user - the token will still be active and can be assigned to another user.

Disable / enable token

Disable / enable token

Disable or enable the token for the identity verification function when used as a second factor

Compromise token

Permanently devalue the token, the token can no longer be used for user identity verification (stolen, damaged tokens...).

Reset token

Reset token

Reset of non-synchronous token

Unassing token


Open the Operational console, go to the Devices section and open the HW tokens tab.


Token list will be displayed.


Optionally use filter to find specific token - fill chosen parameters and press SUBMIT button.


Press the UNASSIGN FROM USER button [  ] within the chosen token from the context menu [  ] and confirm the unassignment.


Token will be unassigned from the user so the user will no longer be able to use it for own authentication. Unassigned token is prepared for new assignment.

Disable / enable token


Open the Operational console, go to the Devices section and open the HW tokens tab.


Token list will be displayed.


Optionally use filter to find specific token - fill chosen parameters and press SUBMIT button.


Press the DISABLE TEMPORARILY / ENABLE button [  ] within the chosen token from the context menu [  ] and confirm the disable / enable action

  • Note: a user must always have at least one token in an active state, which means they cannot disable all their tokens.


Token list will be displayed where the new status of token will be displayed (active or disabled)

Compromise token


Open the Operational console, go to the Devices section and open the HW tokens tab.


Token list will be displayed.


Optionally use filter to find specific token - fill chosen parameters and press SUBMIT button.


Press the COMPROMISE button [  ] within the chosen token from the context menu [  ] and insert the reason of the compromiting action.

  • Note: compromise state is used for destroyed or stolen tokens - token with the compromised status is no longer available for use in the ANT ID


Token list will be displayed where the new status of token will be displayed.

Reset token


Open the Operational console, go to the Devices section and open the HW tokens tab.


Token list will be displayed.


Optionally use filter to find specific token - fill chosen parameters and press SUBMIT button.


Press the RESET TOKEN button [ Reset token ] within the chosen token from the context menu [  ]

  • Note: not all token types allow the reset action to be performed (mainly hotp types of tokens).


The token reset form will be opened.


Generate two consecutive one-time passwords (OTP) from Google authenticator or a HW token key, enter them into the form and press RESET button.

  • It is necessary to follow the order of entering both OTPs


If everything is correct, you will see information about the successful reset.