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My Requests

The My requestsRequests page contains a list of requests for approval that were created based on the user's actions. They provide an overview of how actions that fall into the category of approved that the user has entered are being approved. On the page, the user has the option to view the details of the request,request or revoke it.

The list of actions that are approvable is defined by the administrator, including the approval level, and is used to ensure the continuity of the life cycle of the selected entities (preventing unwanted etc.).

Available actions for userusers with appropriate privileges:

Display detaildetails of the request

Display the detaildetails of the request

Filter possibilities

UserUsers can display only pending requestrequests or the whole history of histheir requests.

  • Pending only - display only active requests
  • All - display all requests

Status of the request:


RequestThe request was created and sent to the approval process - detailDetails of approval isare visible in the detail of the request


RequestThe request was created and waiting for activation of the approval process


RequestThe request was approved in the approval process 


RequestThe request was rejected by approvers - detaildetails of approval isare visible in the detail of the request 

Display request detail


Open the My requestsRequests option in the Selfservice menu


Click on the row for the chosen request


The detaildetails will be displayed in the drawer. In the Request history tab is available whole history of decisions inserted within the approval process.