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Release notes

July 2, 2024

What's new

Password Operations - HeartBeat, Password rotation, Password reconciliations 852d0ba5713543eeaaa8be502249ca1a.png 

In Secret Template you can configure 3 types of Password Operations. Supported types are the domain of Windows and Linux: 

  • HeartBeat - checks if the secret credentials are valid in the target system and offers the ANT ID system a credential state of the secret. The system runs the HeartBeat job once upon creation, updates, and also every minute.
  • Password Rotation - After password expiration (and when HeartBeat evaluates the credential state to be invalid), the ANT ID system will connect to the target system and change the credentials based on the Password Policy
  • Password Reconciliations - Works the same as the Password Rotation, but uses a master account to change the credentials 

Tenant Admin Console (TAC) - Emergency Access Configuration 

Configuration options for the Emergency Access were added to the TAC, allowing you to customize the application. 

Language Switcher

While signing in, you can now choose a language in the top right corner. This affects the Keycloak part of log-in.

June 11, 2024

What's new

image.pngOperational Console - SMS history

We added a functionality similar to audit logs, in the Operational Console you can see the history of the used provider, country, status of SMS, and source application/origin of SMS.

Global Admin Console (GAC) - Tenant list based on access

While using GAC, you can only see tenants where you have at least one privilege. This ought to make navigation easier and cleaner. This also increases the privacy of customers under one Global Tenant.

Vault Agent - Multiple Images

For Vault Agent, we added support for multiple images for identifier-type images. That opens more options, and use cases as well as it makes it more probable, that the agent will identify the critical elements.

Vault - OTP Field on Secret

We added the option to add an OTP field for Secrets in Vault, which allows you to generate OTP in Vault without needing an authenticator app or a separate device.