This is a glossary of terms, used on MAYI ID related sites, materials and systems.
A |
ACME | Automatic Certificate Management Environment, a certificate automation protocol. |
Alert logs | |
Agent | The agent works as an automatic credential injector for selected web/desktop apps. The agent is activated by receiving a deep link from MAYI PAM which is handled by the agent. |
Automation portal |
Automation Portal is a standalone application allowing Partners, their Customers or Tenant Managers to configure and deploy Tenant on their own without any IT support. |
B |
C |
Certificate Lifecycle Management |
CLM vs CMAS | Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) is formerly known as a Certificate Management and Automation System (CMAS) |
CMP | Certificate Management Protocol |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request (CSR) will validate whether you can use the common name in Certificates |
D |
DNS | The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. Humans access information online through domain names, like or Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources |
E |
Enrollment, Remote enrollment, On-behalf enrollment vs Onboarding | Enrollment is an application that allows a user to register with the MAYI ID system, where user configures ways to authenticate himself/herself when signing in and ressetting password. Enrollment is a part of a bigger process called Onboarding, which includes configuration of permissions, groups and roles. |
Emergency access | Emergency access is an application that provides the possibility to change the PIN of the vSEC card, reset the password to the application, unblock a blocked user or receive the emergency access OTP for emergency situations when the user loses his credentials. |
EST | Enrollment over Secure Transport |
F |
Floating secret | |
Favourite items | You can tag certain items as favourite. In Vault: Folders, Secrets, Connections |
G |
Global Admin Console is a part of the applications configuration - the successor of Admin Console. |
H |
Heartbeat | |
I |
IdP | Identity Provider |
J |
K |
Keycloak | |
L |
LDAP | LDAP is an open, vendor-neutral application protocol for accessing and maintaining data such as usernames, passwords, email addresses, and other static data within directories. LDAP can also tackle authentication, so users can sign on just once and access many different files on the server. |
LMS | Learning Management System |
M |
Magic questions | List of questions and answers to them, that are configured during enrollment. These questions are used for authentication of user during sign in or emergency access. |
N |
O |
Onboarding vs Enrollment | Enrollment is an application that allows a user to register with the MAYI ID system, where user configures ways to authenticate himself/herself when signing in and ressetting password. Enrollment is a part of a bigger process called Onboarding, which includes configuration of permissions, groups and roles. |
P |
PAM | |
Passkey | Authentication Method that utilises either a FIDO2 device or iOS or Android device with biometric data. |
Platform template (in Vault) | A type of Secret template in Vault settings. Platform templates provide a general basis for creating other templates. |
Ping | |
Principal name | |
Q |
R |
Radius | |
Role Based Access Control |
S |
Safewalk | |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language. It is an open for exchanging authentication & authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity and service providers |
SCEP | Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol, a certificate automation protocol. |
Secret | |
Slug name | The name “slug” comes from web publishing and refers usually to a part of a URL which identifies a page or resource. |
SSO | Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. |
T |
TAC | Tenant Admin Console (TAC) an application for Tenant management |
Telnet | |
Tenant, Default tenant | |
Theme, GUI theme | |
Token | |
U |
V |
W |
Windows Client Certificate Enrollment Protocol |
X |
Y |
Z |