This is a glossary of terms, used on ANT ID related sites, materials and systems.
A |
Alert logs | |
Agent | |
B |
Bookmark |
C |
CMAS | |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request (CSR) will validate whether you can use the common name in Certificates |
D |
DNS | |
E |
Enrollment, Remote enrollment, On-behalf enrollment | |
Emergency access | |
F |
Floating secret | |
Favourite items | You can tag certain items as favourite. In Vault: Folders, Secrets, Connections |
G |
Global Admin Console is a part of the applications configuration - the successor of Admin Console. |
H |
Heartbeat | |
HOTP | |
I |
J |
K |
Keycloak | |
L |
LDAP | |
M |
Magic questions | |
N |
O |
Onboarding | |
P |
PAM | |
Passkey | |
Platform template (in Vault) | A type of Secret template in Vault settings. Platform templates provide a general basis for creating other templates. |
Ping | |
Principal name | |
Q |
R |
Radius | |
S |
Safewalk | |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language. It is an open for exchanging authentication & authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity and service providers |
Secret | |
Slug name | |
SSO | |
T |
TAC | |
Telnet | |
Tenant, Default tenant | |
Theme, GUI theme | |
Token | |
TOTP | |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |