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Desktop vs Mobile Devices

MAYI ID platform

Due to nature and content of MAYI ID, it is used mostly on desktop devices (laptops to large monitors). However, user interface is responsive to certain degree, and has breakpoints that allow displaying content from large monitors to tablets.

Apps like Vault or Selfservice can displayed also on smartphones or tablets.
Other apps will not appear in the navigation menu.

Application Mobile support
Selfservice Fully functional on mobiles
Enrollment Fully functional on mobiles
Sign in Fully functional on mobiles
Emergency access Fully functional on mobiles
Vault Core functionality of Secrets functional on mobiles
Certificates Core functionality of Certificate functional on mobiles
TAC Not displayed on mobiles
GAC Not displayed on mobiles
Operations Not displayed on mobiles
Statistics Not displayed on mobiles
Automation Not displayed on mobiles
MAYI ID Agent Only for OS: Windows, Linux, macOS